- Trekking pole tips wear through and fall off on the trails when you do heavy hiking. Hiking pole tips will become worn, lost, or damaged so be sure you stock up on extra replacement tips!
- These heavy duty nordic walking fitness replacement tips are designed for easy walking on gravel, pavement, sand and hardcore trail conditions. These nordic fitness tips are tapered and designed for sport and nordic style walking, perfect for street walking, nordic walking, and classic "power walking". These tips are for more balanced walkers that are not necessarily hiking or trekking. Take the shock out of your trekking pole with these nordic walking fitness rubber replacement tips. These tips absorb the shock of your metal tip hitting a hard surface and instead make it a non-issue!
- These are nordic walking fitness hiking pole replacement tips designed to fit all the popular brands of trekking poles, including Montem Outdoor Gear and other major brands.
- Not sure if these tips will fit your hiking poles? Send us a message and our service team will verify for you. Tips will fit most metal-tipped hiking poles, but for those that want the technical specs, the opening on the hiking poles measures 7/16 inches, or 0.4375 inches. Note: we cannot guarantee that these tips will fit your pole once we ship them.